Incremental Epic Hero Wiki

After beating Distortion Slime, Challenge boss of area 8, you unlock Curse of Reincarnation. These Curses put a curse-specific restriction on you and task you to complete something in order to complete it. For every Curse the player completes they will receive a +.05% bonus to future SE gains and a +10% increase to the maximum level of reincarnation upgrades.

Curses can be started/cancelled by selecting the new "Curse Mode" Button in the reincarnation menu. Starting a curse requires that the player has defeated Montblango, the Reincarnation boss.

Level 1 Curses
Curse Name Restriction Reward Clear Condition Max #
Road of Warrior Warrior Only 1 Warrior Soul

+100% stats for Warrior

Defeat Octobaddie 5
Road of Wizard Wizard Only 1 Wizard Soul

+100% stats for Wizard

Defeat Octobaddie 5
Road of Angel Angel Only 1 Angel Soul

+100% stats for Angel

Defeat Octobaddie 5
Monster Fluid All enemies drop only Monster Fluid.

Other loot can be obtained through bestiary

25000 Monster Fluid * Clear #

Obtained on Every Rebirth

Defeat Octobaddie 20
Curse of Poverty Monster Gold Cap is divided by 100.

All materials are sold for 1 gold

First clear: +10 extra gold

Each clear: +200 Monster Gold Cap

Sum of Bottom Row of Upgrades Tab Equal to 100

Increases by 100 per Completion

Curse of Blood Skills use HP instead of MP.

No skills or potion to increase HP. MDEF and DEF = 0

First clear: + 1000 HP/s regen

Each clear: Total damage taken reduced (5 * clear count)%

Defeat Bananoon or Defeat Slime King ???

Perhaps the minimum boss is the last boss needed in Curse of Proficiency, if done first?

Boss increases every completion

Level 2 Curses
Curse Name Restriction Reward Clear Condition Max #
Curse of Warrior 2 Warrior Only

MP Capped at 0

1 Proof of Warrior

+10% Skill Range for Warrior

First time: Defeat Slime King

Second time: Defeat Golem

Third time: Defeat Deathpider

Curse of Wizard 2 Wizard Only

MP Capped at 0

1 Proof of Wizard

+10% Skill Range for Wizard

First Time: Defeat Slime King

Second Time: Defeat Golem

Third time: Defeat Deathpider

Curse of Angel 2 Angel Only

MP Capped at 0

1 Proof of Angel

+10% Skill Range for Angel

First Time: Defeat Slime King

Second Time: Defeat Golem

Third time: Defeat Deathpider

Curse of Proficiency Resource Production uses Log Function

Almost no Resource Gain

First Clear: Prestige Proficiency Gain * 10

Each Clear: +100% Proficiency

First Time: Defeat Slime King

Second Time: Defeat Golem

Third time: Defeat Deathpider

Fourth time: Defeat Fairy Queen

Fifth time: Defeat Bananoon

Sixth time: Defeat Monteblango

1000 Gold 1000 Gold Cap Decrease Cost of Slime Bank Cap

2.5% each Clear

Defeat Montblango 20
Level 3 Curses
Curse Name Restriction Reward Clear Condition Max #
Road of Warrior 3 Warrior Only

Hidden Area

First Clear: Stone Prod x1000

Each Clear: Monster Gold Cap +1000
2 Proof of Warrior
2 Warrior Soul

Defeat Slime King 5
Road of Wizard 3 Wizard Only

Hidden Area

First Clear: Crystal Prod x1000

Each Clear: Monster Gold Cap +1000
2 Proof of Wizard
2 Wizard Soul

Defeat Slime King 5
Road of Angel 3 Angel Only

Hidden Area

First Clear: Leaf Prod x1000

Each Clear: Monster Gold Cap +1000
2 Proof of Angel
2 Angel Soul

Defeat Slime King 5
Explorer's Nightmare Explore Tab is broken.

Can't go to previous areas or stop. Curse is failed if Hero Dies.

Area Master Effect +20% Per Clear

Next Bonus Requirement -15% Per Clear

Clear 4-8 Without Death 5
Curse of Metal Normal Monsters are Metal Slimes Each Enemy give at least 0.001% of EXP

for Next Level Per Clear

Defeat Octobaddie(?) 10